Translation technology has come a long way in the past few years, but even with the many strides it has already made, things can still get better.
The areas of improvement may not be completely obvious, but they are there and waiting to be acted upon.
One way in which translation technology can continue to improve is with regards to its mobility.
At present, pieces of translation technology can already be accessed on the go, but certain restrictions still apply. An internet connection for instance is almost always a requirement for accessing the currently available offerings of translation technology, and that can put a limit on how useful it can be in certain countries.
Given that the purpose of translation technology is to make it easier for people to communicate even when they are in places foreign to them, they need to be readily accessible, regardless of whether internet connections are also available nearby.
Another avenue for possible improvement – albeit one that’s admittedly more ambitious – concerns instantaneous and perhaps even interactive translation.
Examples of translation technology that could receive vocal input and immediately be able to produce an accurate translation would be the dream, especially if it could function equally well for all kinds of languages, regardless of how widely used that particular language may be.
Those improvements are major, and may not be realized immediately, so in the meantime, incremental improvements can still be strived for.
Once again, improving accessibility is a must so that people from all corners of the world can quickly utilize these valuable pieces of technology and better accuracy must similarly be sought after to ensure that connections and not misunderstandings are formed.
Translation technology has already come a long way, and hopefully, it can go even further and improve even more dramatically in the years ahead.